The Questions

What made you decide to do a boudoir session?

I wanted to do it for me!

Please rate your overall experience during your session.


How did you feel BEFORE having your session?

I was very nervous.

Were you comfortable during your session? How did I make you feel?

I was very comfortable during the session. You calmed my nerves right away!!

What was your FAVORITE part of the session?

Everything. I felt so beautiful and sexy!

How did you feel AFTER your shoot?

Amazing!!! I am so happy with how the pics turned out. I was able to see myself in a different light.

What did this do for your confidence? Did you discover anything about yourself that you didn't know was there or forgotten?

It increased my confidence a ton!!! I saw myself in a new way and I feel so much better about myself.

Any advice for other women consider doing a boudoir session of their own?

Just do it!!!